Sunday, November 16, 2008


Hello everyone! It is I again for my second post on my blog. woo! go me! :) So, I don't really know what to talk about for this post, so it'll all just be a bunch of random ramblings, again woo!

So, earlier today my friend Heather sent me a text message and invited me to go to Santa Slam with her! I was excited, and I think i'm going to go. I invited another one of my friends who you can probably figure out, but he said he'll think about it. psh. not the answer I wanted. :P

And my friend Erick brought up a good point today....does anyone else hate it when you're texting someone and are like in the middle of a conversation and then that other person takes sooooooooooooooooo long to reply to the last thing you sent? I didn't realize how annoying it was until he said something! Astute observation Erick -applauds!-

Umm, today was a very VERY boring day. I was in my room all day and it was a bit cold, so I laid in bed and looked at facebook for pretty much the entire I texted a couple people, the usual ones. There was a brief time where I dozed off and then woke up and was like wtf?!? when did I go to sleep xD. but it wasn't for a long period of time.

Tomorrow is my mothers birthday, but we already had her party, which was yesterday. She's getting to be a really old lady now! It's not nice to say a ladies age, but ill tell you my dad is 65 years old and hes 14 years older than my mom. So I hope you're all too slow to figure out her age :P.

My head started to hurt around like 8 o'clock tonight, so I'm really not feeling all too well right now. Hopefully I will get to work tomorrow, but they are calling for snow, and if it's too bad then i'll have ANOTHER day off, which really sucks 'cause I got so screwed this week. Our weeks are from Thursday to Wednesday, I worked like 6 hours thursday, off friday, worked a whole whopping 35 minutes saturday was off today, and then I'm also off on wednesday! like wtf! im gonna be a broke hoe!

I also tried to talk to Angie today on Facebook...-cough-...but someone did not respond to the little IM thingy they have on facebook :P. btw hi angie :-) ohhh and today one of my favorite teachers from Tech accepted my friend request! woo. Mrs. Trombley! :) ....well I think I am going to end this for tonight....just letting you know about whats been going on, see ya soon!

Friday, November 14, 2008


Whats up people?! This is my first blog on here, and first off I have to say thanks to Erick Gama for showing me this website, and now I have a place to put down my thoughts that eat away at me, when I cannot share them with anyone. Woo! Okay, let's get this started with my confusedness.....(not a word, I know this maneeeeeeeee)

Ok, so this all starts with the people I like, and how im confused on whether or not they like me back, I have bad judgment when it comes to things like this, seriously....but for sure now I know that two of the people I like dont like me like that, and one is up in the air....

Ya see, not all of you may know that I am not a normal 2o year old man, I like both males and females, which has caused me enough stress as is. Not too long ago I told my family and they were all very supportive of me, and after I told them I felt like I could tell ANYONE, and so I have been for the most part. Which leads me to the first person out of the three, it was this guy at work named Roberto. He was always messing with me, and so I thought he had some interest in me......uhhhh not the case, lmao. I gave him a note telling him I liked him and now he doesn't even talk to me, lmao. but that's fine with me, he's not the only one out there.

Then, next on the list is this dude named Steven. Omg he's like the best thing to ever happen to me, even if he, as like Roberto, doesnt like me like I like him. He is still one of the coolest people I have ever met! We like a lot of the same things, and we make each other laugh so much! I seriously have never laughed as hard as I have when I am texting him. I'm just lucky I remember all of this to let you guys know...lmao( inside joke) :P. If I can't be with Steven in a relationship, then a best friend is perfectly fine with me!

Lastly, is the lone girl in the group. She is also a fellow co-worker of mine, and when she first arrived at the job I instantly liked her, and she knew from the get-go that I did. We went to Kentucky Kingdom with other co-workers over the summer and it was fun, and for her birthday I was a complete fool and spent over one hundred dollars on her, to send her flowers and a teddy bear to the job, and I asked her to be my girlfriend, but yet she said she was in the middle of something and told me no. Ouch, right? So for the most part I had gotten over her, because I thought nothing would ever happen between the two of us. Well, things change I guess? Like last week we were both at work and we started talking and out of nowhere SHE invites ME to go see Saw V with her. So we go, we have a good time, and the couples days after we flirt at work, but I dont know if I should even try anything with her after she hurt me in the beginning and its been so long. Plus, my family isnt the biggest fan of hers, but deep down inside I do still like her.

Ok, so what do you guys think about all of this?!? I'm a big loser, right. Lmao. btw, anyone can facebook/myspace add me if they want, I need more friends! and Jeffrey Koontz on facebook. That's it for the first post on here, see you guys later! oh and also KwegebowKane on AOL. <3>